The Best of Select: Games 15
Best of Select, The - Games 15 (1997)(Select)(M4)[compilation].iso
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DOS Batch File
359 lines
@echo off
echo off
echo --- Thunderbyte Anti-Virus installation batch program ---
rem * Make sure that we can find the utilities in the current directory
if not exist TBSCAN.EXE goto error1
rem * Find out if we are upgrading a previous version in the current dir
if exist TBSTART.BAT goto pathexists
rem * Make sure that the user specified a destination path
if %1X==X goto error2
rem * Make sure the target path exists or can be created
if exist %1\nul goto pathexists
md %1
if not exist %1\nul goto error3
rem * Make sure user did not type something like 'C:' :-)
if exist %1\CONFIG.SYS goto error5
echo Please read the License.Doc file. By using the TBAV package you
echo agree with our license agreement. You can print the License.Doc
echo file by typing the following command on the DOS command line:
echo Copy License.Doc Lpt1
echo Press Ctrl-C to abort this installation batch file, or
echo This installation batch file of the shareware version of TBAV
echo is not the same as the full featured installation program of the
echo commercial version of TBAV. (The main reason for the omission of
echo the installation program is to save disk space and to minimize
echo download time). Therefore the installation procedure might
echo differ from the procedure described in the manual.
rem * If TbScanX is active, de-activate it.
if not exist SCANX goto notres
if exist %1\tbscanx.exe %1\tbscanx /off
rem * Copy the TBAV utilities if necessary
if exist dummy.tst del dummy.tst >nul
if exist %1\dummy.tst del %1\dummy.tst >nul
echo TEST >%1\dummy.tst
if exist dummy.tst goto filesexists
if not exist %1\dummy.tst goto error4
echo TbSetup will now delete the Anti-Vir.Dat file of a previous
echo TBAV version if it exists in directory %1
rem * If Anti-Vir.Dat already exists and is hidden, delete it...
tbsetup %1 remove
echo Copying files. Please wait...
if exist addendum.doc copy addendum.doc %1 >nul
if exist agents.doc copy agents.doc %1 >nul
if exist anti-vir.dat copy anti-vir.dat %1 >nul
if exist appnotes.doc copy appnotes.doc %1 >nul
if exist esass.pgp copy esass.pgp %1 >nul
if exist file_id.diz copy file_id.diz %1 >nul
if exist install.bat copy install.bat %1 >nul
if exist license.doc copy license.doc %1 >nul
if exist makeresc.bat copy makeresc.bat %1 >nul
if exist no_vsum.doc copy no_vsum.doc %1 >nul
if exist register.exe copy register.exe %1 >nul
if exist report.doc copy report.doc %1 >nul
if exist security.doc copy security.doc %1 >nul
if exist tbav.doc copy tbav.doc %1 >nul
if exist tbav.exe copy tbav.exe %1 >nul
if exist tbav.lng copy tbav.lng %1 >nul
if exist tbav.msg copy tbav.msg %1 >nul
if exist tbcheck.exe copy tbcheck.exe %1 >nul
if exist tbclean.exe copy tbclean.exe %1 >nul
if exist tbdel.com copy tbdel.com %1 >nul
if exist tbdisk.exe copy tbdisk.exe %1 >nul
if exist tbdriver.exe copy tbdriver.exe %1 >nul
if exist tbdriver.lng copy tbdriver.lng %1 >nul
if exist tbfile.exe copy tbfile.exe %1 >nul
if exist tbkey.exe copy tbkey.exe %1 >nul
if exist tblog.exe copy tblog.exe %1 >nul
if exist tbmem.exe copy tbmem.exe %1 >nul
if exist tbscan.eci copy tbscan.eci %1 >nul
if exist tbscan.exe copy tbscan.exe %1 >nul
if exist tbscan16.exe copy tbscan16.exe %1 >nul
if exist tbscan32.exe copy tbscan32.exe %1 >nul
if exist tbscan.lng copy tbscan.lng %1 >nul
if exist tbscan.sig copy tbscan.sig %1 >nul
if exist tbscanx.exe copy tbscanx.exe %1 >nul
if exist tbsetup.dat copy tbsetup.dat %1 >nul
if exist tbsetup.exe copy tbsetup.exe %1 >nul
if exist tbutil.exe copy tbutil.exe %1 >nul
if exist tbutil.lng copy tbutil.lng %1 >nul
if exist veldman.pgp copy veldman.pgp %1 >nul
if exist esass.pgp copy esass.pgp %1 >nul
if exist tbav.faq copy tbav.faq %1 >nul
if exist tbmon.com copy tbmon.com %1 >nul
copy whatsnew.* %1 >nul
if %_4ver%x==x copy descript.ion %1 >nul
del %1\dummy.tst >nul
if not exist %1\docs.exe goto nopack
%1\docs -o %1
del %1\docs.exe >nul
rem * DOS has no interactive batch file commands,
rem * so we create a special program to solve that!
rem * the 'garbage' in the echo command is program code
rem * to read a key into an errorlevel, the program code
rem * will be copied into an executable file.
echo ═êα╧┤L═! >%1\ask.com
echo TbSetup will now generate or update the Anti-Vir.Dat file
echo of the directory %1
rem * create or update the Anti-Vir.Dat records of the TBAV utilities
rem * do not overwrite an existing TBAV setup.
if exist %1\TBSTART.BAT goto upgrade
echo The Thunderbyte Anti-Virus utilities have been copied to the destination
echo directory. It is recommended to read the documentation of TBAV thoroughly
echo and to make a customized setup. One of the advantages of the Thunderbyte
echo Anti-Virus utilities is flexibility and the possibility to configure
echo them to suit your needs in an optimal way.
echo This installation batch file helps you to setup the utilities in their
echo most standard and non-customized way.
echo Do you want to continue? (Y/n)
if not errorlevel 1 goto nosetup
rem * make a backup of the AUTOEXEC.BAT file!
echo Backing up C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT to C:\AUTOEXEC.ORG...
copy c:\autoexec.bat c:\autoexec.org >nul
rem * create a TBSTART.BAT file in the TBAV directory.
echo @echo off >%1\TBSTART.BAT
echo echo off >>%1\TBSTART.BAT
echo For easy access of the TBAV utilities it is recommended to put them
echo into your PATH environment variable.
echo Do you want to add %1 to your PATH statement? (Y/n)
if not errorlevel 1 goto dosetup
rem * add the PATH statement to the end of the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
echo TbSetup will now process your drives to generate the Anti-Vir.Dat files.
rem * process the rest of the machine, but do not touch existing information!
%1\TbSetup NewOnly AllDrives
echo The TBAV package contains some utilities that can be installed in the memory
echo of your PC. Do you want to add them to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file? (Y/n)
if not errorlevel 1 goto autoscan
rem * create a TBSTART.BAT file in the TBAV directory.
echo %1\TbDriver >>%1\TBSTART.BAT
echo TBSCANX is a memory resident virus scanner.
echo Do you want to install it? (Y/n)
if not errorlevel 1 goto tbcheck
rem * add the TbScanX statement to the TBSTART.BAT file.
echo %1\TbScanX EMS XMS >>%1\TBSTART.BAT
echo TBCHECK is a memory resident integrity checker.
echo Do you want to install it? (Y/n)
if not errorlevel 1 goto tbmem
rem * add the TbCheck statement to the TBSTART.BAT file.
echo %1\TbCheck noavok=ab >>%1\TBSTART.BAT
echo TBMEM is a resident memory guard.
echo Do you want to install it? (Y/n)
if not errorlevel 1 goto tbfile
rem * add the TbMem statement to the TBSTART.BAT file.
echo %1\TbMem >>%1\TBSTART.BAT
echo TBFILE is a resident file guard.
echo Do you want to install it? (Y/n)
if not errorlevel 1 goto autoscan
rem * add the TbFile statement to the TBSTART.BAT file.
echo %1\TbFile >>%1\TBSTART.BAT
echo Do you want the system to be scanned automatically for viruses every day? (Y/n)
if not errorlevel 1 goto addcall
rem * add the TbScan statement to the TBSTART.BAT file.
echo %1\TbScan Once AllDrives >>%1\TBSTART.BAT
if exist C:\TEMP.BAT del C:\TEMP.BAT >nul
echo call %1\TBSTART.BAT >C:\TEMP.BAT
del C:\TEMP.BAT >nul
del C:\TEMP2.BAT >nul
echo Do you want to scan your drives now? (Y/n)
if not errorlevel 1 goto starttbav
%1\TbScan AllDrives
echo It is highly recommended to print the TBAV user manual.
echo You can do this with the fol